Human freedom; Draft:Freedom; FreedoM
(n.) = libertad
Def: Para otras palabras que contienen este sufijo, véase "dom".
Ex: The reason for its popularity was largely that it was based upon a principle of conformity in essentials, and freedom in details.
* academic freedom = libertad académica
* afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo = dar libertad para + Infinitivo, dejar en libertad para + Infinitivo
* artistic freedom = libertad artística
* freedom fighter = guerrillero, defensor
* freedom for manoeuvre = libertad de maniobra
* freedom of choice = libertad de elección
* freedom of expression = libertad de expresión
* freedom of information (FOI) = libertad de información
* freedom of movement = libertad de movimiento
* freedom of speech = libertad de expresión
* freedom of the press = libertad de prensa
* freedom of thought = libertad de pensamiento
* freedom to publish = libertad de publicación
* freedom to read = libertad de acceso a la lectura
* freedom to speak = libertad de expresión
* freedom to think = libertad de pensamiento
* have + freedom = tener libertad
* intellectual freedom = libertad intelectual
* live in + freedom = vivir en libertad
* national freedom = independencia nacional
* personal freedom = libertad personal
* press freedom = libertad de prensa
* religious freedom = libertad de religión, libertad religiosa, libertad de culto
* sexual freedom = libertad sexual